The national committee "for the study of the subsidiarity, brotherhood, solidarity and equality principle by Leo XIII to the European Constitution" was born in September 2006 from the university teachers of the Faculty of Law in Cassino led by Prof. Alessandro d’Avack who has promoted the constitution with the aim of deepening the principle of subsidiarity to promote its application within the Public Administration.

The principle of subsidiarity has ancient roots and it is a cornerstone of the social doctrine of the church. It is included in our Constitution, in the European treaties and in the Constitutional Charter.

It asserts the primacy of the person in relation to the society and the society in relation to the State, so that any decision concerning the public interest could be taken for the benefit of the citizen. The Committee, made of the highest Italian institutions and constitutional bodies, deepen the areas of application of the subsidiarity principle through the support of a scientific committee because today more than ever there is a need.

Individuality and ethics fracture are among the qualities of politics today. Precisely for this reason the Committee was born in order to regain a political balance in a relationship with citizens.



Presentation of the National Committee
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National Committee Extension's Activity  2009 - 2011
(Document - Printable).
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